Grant Criteria

A review of the Foundation’s successful past grant awards and its Mission Statement provide insight as to the matters that interest the Foundation. Grants are made for the sole purpose of paying litigation costs, including attorney time charges and litigation related expenses.

Applications must be for a specific social justice legal case, including the filing of an appeal. Grant funds are to be used only for attorney time charges and litigation expenses related to the specific case for which an organization is applying to be funded. 

The Foundation funds litigation matters that are consistent with our namesake Barbara McDowell’s past legal efforts and her beliefs regarding social justice. 

Grant Eligibility Requirements

An ideal case for receiving funding from the Barbara McDowell Foundation is one which: 

1) Addresses a social justice issue consistent with the Foundation’s issue areas.

2) Significantly improves the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States.

3) Has strong legal argument(s) for its successful litigation.

In assessing the ideal applicant organization the following factors will be considered: 

1) The applicant organization has a strong history of successfully litigating the type of case proposed in the application and/or a strong history of successfully litigating high-impact cases.

2) The attorney(s) from the applicant organization litigating the case have a strong history of successfully litigating the type of case proposed in the application and/or a strong history of successfully litigating high-impact cases.  

3) The applicant organization, even with support of law firm(s) or other social justice organization(s), demonstrates a strong need for financial support for the case for which they are applying.

4) The applicant organization has submitted a clear and detailed case budget.

5) The applicant organization has submitted a clear operating budget.

If the applicant organization is receiving additional support from a law firm(s) or another social justice organization(s) in litigating the proposed case, the following factors would be considered: 

1) The applicant organization’s partner(s) have a strong history of successfully litigating the issue(s) raised in the case proposed in the application and/or a strong history of successfully litigating high-impact cases. 

2) The attorneys from the applicant organization’s partner(s) who are litigating the case have a strong history of successfully litigating the issue(s) raised in the case proposed in the application and/or a strong history of successfully litigating high impact cases.  

Basic Grant Eligibility Requirements

1) Applicant organization is a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. 

2) Application must be for a specific legal case, including the filing of an appeal. 

3) The case has been filed or will be filed by November 1 of the application calendar year (90 days from the August 1 application deadline).

4) The Foundation does not support cases where the relief sought is for an individual except if it would involve an important legal precedent addressing a systemic issue. 

5) The Foundation does not fund cases in which individuals are being prosecuted for a criminal offense unless the proposed case raises constitutional issue(s) involving a legal precedent addressing a systemic issue(s). 

6) The Foundation does not fund the filing of an amicus brief. 

7) The Foundation will not award a grant where an organization is seeking general support for its mission or programmatic support.

8) The funds received will not be used in any attempt to influence legislation within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). 

9) Grant funds must be spent in the Foundation’s fiscal year (October 1 – September 30).

10) Grantee must agree to the terms of the Grant Agreement by signing and returning the Grant Agreement to the Foundation prior to receiving the grant funds.

11) Grantees can apply and be considered for grant funds in subsequent years based upon the results of the grantee’s efforts in prior year(s). The Foundation’s preference is to fund different cases each year. However, the Foundation may consider the continued funding of a case under special circumstances. 

To Apply For A Grant

All grant applications should be submitted using the online form. Interested applicants should review the Application Overview, Grant Criteria (above), Application Scoring Criteria, and Reporting and Grant Terms pages of the website before completing and submitting the online application. This information, including the online application, can be accessed using the buttons below.

Application OverviewGrant CriteriaApplication Scoring Criteria

Reporting and Grant TermsOnline Grant Application Grant Application Webinar