Grant Application Scoring Criteria 

Scoring Criteria for Application Questions

The Foundation has established a scoring system that includes five scoring criteria to evaluate grant applications on a score of 1 to 9 in each scoring criteria area, with 1 being the lowest score and 9 being the highest. 

The grant application scoring criteria were developed by the Foundation's Board. A detailed description of the grant application scoring criteria, including scoring definitions, follows.  

Criteria 1:  Alignment with Mission

Rating: Successful litigation of proposed case will improve the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States. 

1. The proposed litigation will not in any way improve the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States. 

3. The proposed litigation will in a minor way improve the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States. 

5.  The proposed litigation will in a moderate way improve the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States. 

7. The proposed litigation will in a major way improve the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States. 

9.  The proposed litigation will in a very significant way improve the well-being, social conditions, and/or civil liberties of disadvantaged persons and/or groups in the United States. 

Criteria 2: Quality of Case

Rating: The applicant organization demonstrates a strong legal theory for the successful litigation of the proposed case. 

1.  The applicant organization does not demonstrate in any way a strong legal rationale for the successful litigation of the proposed case. 

3.  The applicant organization demonstrates in a minor way a strong legal rationale for the successful litigation of the proposed case. 

5.  The applicant organization demonstrates in a moderate way a strong legal rationale for the successful litigation of the proposed case. 

7.  The applicant organization demonstrates in a major way a strong legal rationale for the successful litigation of the proposed case. 

9.  The applicant organization demonstrates in a very significant way a strong legal rationale for the successful litigation of the proposed case. 

Criteria 3: Capacity

Rating: Applicant organization and potential partners litigating the proposed case can successfully litigate a case of this nature.

1.  Applicant organization and potential partners litigating the proposed case cannot in any way successfully litigate a case of this nature.

3.  Applicant organization and potential partners litigating the proposed case can in a minor way successfully litigate a case of this nature.

5.  Applicant organization and potential partners litigating the proposed case can in a moderate way successfully litigate a case of this nature.

7.  Applicant organization and potential partners litigating the proposed case can in a major way successfully litigate a case of this nature.

9.  Applicant organization and potential partners litigating the proposed case can in a very significant way successfully litigate a case of this nature.

Criteria 4: Capability

Rating: Attorneys from the applicant organization and from the potential partners can successfully litigate the proposed case.

1.  Attorneys from the applicant organization and from the potential partners cannot in any way successfully litigate the proposed case.

3.  Attorneys from the applicant organization and from the potential partners can in a minor way successfully litigate the proposed case.

5.  Attorneys from the applicant organization and from the potential partners can in a moderate way successfully litigate the proposed case.

7.  Attorneys from the applicant organization and from the potential partners can in a major way successfully litigate the proposed case.

9.  Attorneys from the applicant organization and from the potential partners can in a very significant way successfully litigate the proposed case.

Criteria 5: Financial Need

Rating: Applicant organization, with the support of partners, demonstrates financial need to pursue the proposed case that will be addressed by the Foundation’s grant award. 

1.  Applicant organization cannot demonstrate in any way the financial need to pursue the proposed case that will be addressed by the Foundation’s grant award. 

3.  Applicant organization demonstrates in a minor way the financial need to pursue the proposed case that will be addressed by the Foundation’s grant award. 

5.  Applicant organization demonstrates in a moderate way the financial need to pursue the proposed case that will be addressed by the Foundation’s grant award. 

7.  Applicant organization demonstrates in a major way the financial need to pursue the proposed case that will be addressed by the Foundation’s grant award. 

9.  Applicant organization demonstrates in a very significant way the financial need to pursue the proposed case that will be addressed by the Foundation’s grant award. 


1. “Any” means: “to even the slightest extent; no thing or person of a particular type exists, is present, or is involved.”

3. “Minor” means: “lesser or smaller in extent, importance, rank, or stature.”

5. “Moderate” means: “not excessive or extreme; of medium or average quality, quantity, or extent.”

7. “Major” means: “greater in importance, rank, or stature; more important or more serious than others of the same type.”

9. “Very Significant” means: “important, notable; having or likely to have a major effect; as used with “very” to mean “in a high degree, extremely, exceedingly.”

To Apply For A Grant

All grant applications should be submitted using the online form. Interested applicants should review the Application Overview, Grant Criteria, Application Scoring Criteria (above), and Reporting and Grant Terms pages of the website before completing and submitting the online application. This information, including the online application, can be accessed using the buttons below. 

Application OverviewGrant CriteriaApplication Scoring Criteria

Reporting and Grant TermsOnline Grant Application Grant Application Webinar