
For more information on making a gift to the Barbara McDowell Foundation see the Donor Information Guide and Case for Support.

Donor Information Guide Case for Support

Your donation to the Barbara McDowell Foundation demonstrates your commitment to furthering social justice.


All donations are fully tax deductible as the Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

The Need

With today’s legal, political and economic climate, there is a significant and growing need for grantmaking to support social justice litigation. 

Nonprofit organizations representing our country’s most vulnerable persons, defending their rights, and championing their causes very often lack the necessary funds to pursue even the most egregious cases. Each year, the Foundation receives many more grant requests than it can fulfill. 

Three Essential Services

To ensure that your gift to the Barbara McDowell Foundation is making an impact, the Foundation provides three-essential services to donors. 

1.  The Foundation undertakes in its grant making process a rigorous evaluation of each application.  

2.The Foundation conducts a quarterly review of the progress of each case for which a grant was given, culminating in a written summary of the grantee’s work.

3.The grantee itself is required to submit a six-month and year-end report that the Foundation publishes on its website. These reports, quarterly, six-month, and year-end are shared with donors.