Application Overview

The Foundation accepts applications for its grants from June 1st until August 1st for grants to be awarded for the following fiscal year of the Foundation which is October 1st to September 30th

All grant applications should be submitted using the online form. Interested applicants should review the Grant Criteria, Application Scoring Criteria, and Reporting and Grant Terms pages of the website before completing and submitting the online application.

Applications must be for a specific social justice legal case, including the filing of an appeal. Grant funds are to be used only for attorney time charges and litigation expenses related to the specific case for which an organization is applying to be funded.

This information, including the online application, can be accessed using the buttons below. 

Application Overview Grant Criteria Application Scoring Criteria
Reporting and Grant Terms Online Grant Application Grant Application Webinar

After submission online, all applications are reviewed by the Barbara McDowell Foundation. Finalists are sent to the Board of Directors for consideration of a grant award. The final grantees are notified of their grant award in September. 

To view a staff-guided walkthrough of the grant application, scoring criteria, and grant review process, watch our Grant Application Webinar here.

If you have any questions on the grant process please email