Florida Institutional Legal Services (2014)

Reported the positive results of their Foundation funded case partnering with other Florida-based justice advocacy organizations in helping inmates with severe and persistent psychiatric disabilities get the treatment they need. The negotiated deal that was the result of a multiyear investigation into several deaths, including suicides, within Florida prisons. 

Under the terms of the settlement the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) will have to provide individually tailored treatments to mentally ill inmates and enact policies that increase the amount of time these inmates spend outside of their cells in therapeutic activities. In addition, the FDC agreed to provide more training to its medical providers and security staff working with mentally ill patients.

“We are honored and fortunate to have received critical support from the Foundation. On behalf of our organization and the many thousands of people who have benefitted from the work made possible by your support, we thank you for the strategic investments you have made in high impact advocacy across the country,” Christopher M. Jones, Executive Director.

Click here to see the original grant, including the six-month and year-end reports.