Children's Rights (2015, 2016, and 2018 )

Received support for three cases on behalf of disadvantaged children and reported the following positive developments in each suit. 

2015 Grant

Concluded a successful suit challenging abusive practices in Texas’ foster care system where children languish for long periods prior to adoption or reunification with their birth family. A federal district court order, affirmed by the Court of Appeals, required the state agency to reduce caseloads, investigate abuse and neglect claims, and increase capacity for foster care placements. M.D. v. Abbott

Click here to see the original grant, including the six-month and year-end reports.

2016 Grant

Received class certification approval in a case against the State of Arizona for failing to investigate reports of abuse and neglect in foster care, to provide health services to the children, and to recruit sufficient foster home placements. The Court of Appeals affirmed class certification and the case is back at district court for trial. B.K. v. McKay Since its filing the case has received press coverage in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal.

Click here to see the original grant, including the six-month and year-end reports.

2018 Grant - 2021 Update

The first-class action lawsuit to shine a federal spotlight solely on the overuse of psychotropic medications among vulnerable, at-risk populations, M.B. v. Tidball addresses longstanding, dangerous, unlawful and deliberately indifferent practices by Missouri’s child welfare system, including:

Children’s Rights settled M.B. v. Tidball in 2019, and early data suggests a decline in the number of children on psychotropic medications. One of the most significant achievements to date is the development and publication of the first Psychotropic Medication Excessive Dosage Guidelines for Children in Foster Care by the settlement-created Psychotropic Medication Advisory Committee (PMAC). The publication of these guidelines by the PMAC represents a greatly needed advancement in the provision of mental health care to children in foster care and provides a template for other states to follow. This document can be accessed from the dedicated Psychotropic Medication Settlement page maintained by the Missouri Department of Social Services:

“Children’s Rights is grateful to the Barbara McDowell Foundation for providing support that led to serious oversight improvements to protect kid’s health and safety,” said Sandy Santana, Executive Director.

Click here to see the original grant, including the six-month and year-end reports.